domingo, noviembre 10, 2019
El estado fallido
Nuestro presidente AMLO esta gobernando sobre un Estado Fallido , heredado o no, esta haciendo lo posible con pocos recursos, esto no es justificante para algunos momentos que hemos vivido en lo que lleva de su gobierno, desde su muy evidente ineficacia del manejo de las comunicaciones hacia dentro de su gabinete como también su forma de expresar las sus estrategias pertenecientes a su proyecto de nación.
Da la sensación de que AMLO esta obsesionado con el cambio , pero todo cambio no sucede de un dia para otro, esa prisa esta desgastando su propio poder político pero ante las masas se ha creado una forma de adoración casi fanática hacia la figura de este personaje tan interesante.
Los acontecimientos tan terribles que sucedieron en Culiacán como también el asesinato vil de la Familia Lebaron, a mi parecer, la forma en como mediaticamente los han estado tratando no me ha parecido la mejor ya que con el afán de ser "transparentes" y responsables ante sus acciones, hace parecer que tienen una falta de fuerza en el Estado, da la sensación que el pais no tiene un proyecto de seguridad publica concreta que nos arroje un resultado.
Y las constantes referencias de que los problemas de hoy son debidos al pasado, no estan teniendo un efecto positivo ante una sociedad que como al igual que el Presidente, necesita resultados del cambio...
Era sabido que AMLO para llegar a perpetuarse en el poder tenia que hacer alianzas y negociaciones con los diferentes personajes que no estaban necesariamente a favor de su proyecto, pero hacerse de aliados de la calaña de Raul Salinas Pliego, Bartlet, todas las tribus oportunista del desaparecido PRD y PRI y por ultimo pero no menos importante la evidente favoritismo hacia iglesias cristianas que tiene AMLO contradiciendo el sentido del Estado Laico.
domingo, noviembre 03, 2019
La rolaaa del diaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Aqui en esta sección traemos a uno de los mas grandes grupos de aquellos lejanos 90s con uno de sus exitos que sonaban en las estaciones de FM y dentro de tu reproductor de mp3...
Pumping on your radio de Supergrass
Aqui las letras que son realmente muy divertidas:
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Life is a cigarette, you smoke to the end,
But if you rocket the middle bit,
Then you burn all your friends,
The wider your eyes, the bigger the lies, yes it's true,
Can you hear us pumping on your stereo?
Can you hear us pumping on your stereo?
Take a look through your window now,
You're all alone on the road,
Well you'll burn all your bridges down,
And now you're losing control,
The wider your eyes, the bigger the lies, yes it's true,
If you make a mistake where you couldn't
relate to your groove, (yes, that's true)
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Well now that I've met you,
And I love you as a friend,
Yeah but your love is mogadon,
Love is the end,
Well, the wider your eyes, the bigger the lies, yes it's true,
If you make a mistake well you couldn't relate to your groove, yes it's true,
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Pumping on your radio de Supergrass
Aqui las letras que son realmente muy divertidas:
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Life is a cigarette, you smoke to the end,
But if you rocket the middle bit,
Then you burn all your friends,
The wider your eyes, the bigger the lies, yes it's true,
Can you hear us pumping on your stereo?
Can you hear us pumping on your stereo?
Take a look through your window now,
You're all alone on the road,
Well you'll burn all your bridges down,
And now you're losing control,
The wider your eyes, the bigger the lies, yes it's true,
If you make a mistake where you couldn't
relate to your groove, (yes, that's true)
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Well now that I've met you,
And I love you as a friend,
Yeah but your love is mogadon,
Love is the end,
Well, the wider your eyes, the bigger the lies, yes it's true,
If you make a mistake well you couldn't relate to your groove, yes it's true,
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
Can you hear us humping on your stereo?
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