Hoy me paso algo mega cajetoooo ... estaba en el corporativo de CA (Computer Associates) y me andaba del baño a si que a la recepcionista le pedi las llaves del baño y me dio las equivocadas!!!!!!!!!!!! me dio el del baño de las chicaaaaaaaaasss!!! pero como me andaba cabron de la pisss .. pues me meti valiendome madres lo que me encontrara ahi!!!!!! afortunadamente o desafortunadamente no habia nadie en el inmueble (dependiendo de lo que se vea) directamente me meti a los inodoros y pues hice de la pisss... y una vez terminada la mision !!! que escucho que abren la puerta ... y escucho un par de tacones acercandose a las puertas donde estan los inodoros
ajjajaja,,, no manchen,.... sali disparado !!!!! del lugar y ni voltee quien chingados habia entrado!!!!
viernes, octubre 27, 2006
jueves, octubre 26, 2006
Las ventanas a la nada!
Hoy en dia , me he visto forzado a andar en el maravillos transporte colectivo metro y es toooda una aventura jajajajajaj... desde las aglomeraciones de personaasss , empujones codazos y manoseadas jajajaj hasta e folklor del vendedor de musica pirata !
La ru
La ru
lunes, octubre 23, 2006
Pin... Gringos!!! DUEÑOS DEL ESPACIO
Este articulo si que me hace gritar AGHHHHHHHH!!! .. el origen de la vida ahora es gringo !! .. pero como dice el viejo proverbio : " Si cayo El Roma, Egipto, Mesomotamia, Los Aztecas.. tambien los Gringos Caeran!!"
Space: America's new war zone
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 19 October 2006
The Independent
The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the United States' extraterrestrial activities and warning that it will oppose any nations that try to get in its way.
A new policy recently signed by President George Bush, asserts that his country has the right to conduct whatever research, development and "other activities" in space that it deems necessary for its own national interests.
The new policy further warns that the US will take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities "and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile" to those interests. The document adds: "Space activities have improved life in the United States and around the world, enhancing security, protecting lives and the environment, speeding information flow serving as an engine for economic growth and revolutionising the way people view their world and the cosmos."
"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power."
In some respects the policy represents the space equivalent of the "Bush Doctrine" national security policy initially outlined by Mr Bush in a speech at West Point military academy in June 2002. At that event - and later more formally codified - Mr Bush said the new US policy would place more emphasis on military pre-emption and unilateral actions.
Some experts believe the space directive, discreetly published more than a week ago and barely noticed outside specialist circles, puts the US on a new and dangerous course given that it transports "Bush Doctrine" policy to a new arena and rejects any efforts to limit US behaviour.
"I think that saying we will not have any limits on our actions is quite dangerous," said Theresa Hitchens, director of the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information.
"It claims no one can prohibit our rights but it also denies rights to [others].
"You would think that we would have learnt our lessons about the danger of military pre-emptive action and unilateralism in Iraq yet we are repeating the same policy towards space."
In part the new directive builds on the space policy of the Clinton administration. But some believe its new, hardline rhetoric will increase international suspicions that the US is seeking to develop and deploy weapons in space.
"The Clinton administration opened the door to developing space weapons but that administration never did anything about it. The Bush policy now goes further," Michael Krepon, of the Stimson Centre, told The Washington Post.
Mr Bush's attitude to space has always been more ambitious than that of his predecessor. In 2004 he outlined a vision to restart sending astronauts to the Moon, and even to Mars. In the same year the US Air Force published a highly controversial plan for establishing weapons in space, amid speculation that advanced lasers, spacecraft and space-based weapons firing 100kg tungsten bolts were being developed. And earlier this year it was revealed that the Pentagon was seeking hundreds of millions of dollars from Congress to test and develop space weapons.
In those portions of the new policy document that have been made public, there is no specific mention of the weaponisation of space. It says the US's priorities are to "strengthen the nation's space leadership" and to enable "unhindered US operations in and through space to defend our interests there". But the policy also claims that national security is "critically" dependent upon space capabilities. As a result it calls on the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and the Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, to "develop and deploy space capabilities that sustain US advantage and support defence and intelligence transformations".
In recent years some nations have called for talks to ban the deployment of weapons in space. Currently the deployment of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction are prohibited by the 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty.
When proposals to ban the weaponisation of space have been put forward at the UN, the United States has routinely abstained. But last October the US voted against a UN resolution calling for the banning of weapons in space.
Likewise, the US has repeatedly resisted efforts to hold negotiations on the issue of banning the placement in weapons by the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament.
Wade Boese of the Arms Control Association said the language in the new policy was "much more hard line" than any that previously existed.
He added: "We believe that this allergy to treaties is counter-productive. The US has the most to lose if there is an arms race in outer space in the long run. If the US [puts weapons in space], other countries will respond in some way."
A spokesman for the White House's National Security Council said in a statement that the policy was needed to "reflect the fact that space has become an even more important component of US economic, national and homeland security".
The final frontier
President Bush announced his Vision for Space Exploration in January 2004, calling for humans to return to the Moon by the end of the next decade. The first wave of robotic probes is the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, due to launch in 2008. As well as seeking landing sites, it will search for water ice and other resources. The initiative is supported by 68 per cent of Americans, according to opinion polls.
Under President Bush's 2004 vision, Moon exploration would pave the way for human space travel to Mars and beyond. The Mars reconnaissance Rover arrived on the Red Planet on 10 March 2006, equipped with the most powerful telescope ever taken to another planet.
Star Wars
The Clinton administration in 1999 revived Ronald Reagan's "star wars" space-based anti-missile shield as the Pentagon pushed for a more aggressive military posture in space amid warnings that North Korea, Iran and Iraq could obtain nuclear weapons. The programme became known as "son of star wars". Space weapons could include lasers that can shut down rival satellites and "killer" satellites that could ram others.
The new Bush policy calls for space-based capabilities to support missile-warning systems, and "multi-layered and integrated missile defences" that could lay the groundwork for the militarisation of space.
The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the United States' extraterrestrial activities and warning that it will oppose any nations that try to get in its way.
A new policy recently signed by President George Bush, asserts that his country has the right to conduct whatever research, development and "other activities" in space that it deems necessary for its own national interests.
The new policy further warns that the US will take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities "and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile" to those interests. The document adds: "Space activities have improved life in the United States and around the world, enhancing security, protecting lives and the environment, speeding information flow serving as an engine for economic growth and revolutionising the way people view their world and the cosmos."
"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power."
In some respects the policy represents the space equivalent of the "Bush Doctrine" national security policy initially outlined by Mr Bush in a speech at West Point military academy in June 2002. At that event - and later more formally codified - Mr Bush said the new US policy would place more emphasis on military pre-emption and unilateral actions.
Some experts believe the space directive, discreetly published more than a week ago and barely noticed outside specialist circles, puts the US on a new and dangerous course given that it transports "Bush Doctrine" policy to a new arena and rejects any efforts to limit US behaviour.
"I think that saying we will not have any limits on our actions is quite dangerous," said Theresa Hitchens, director of the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information.
"It claims no one can prohibit our rights but it also denies rights to [others].
"You would think that we would have learnt our lessons about the danger of military pre-emptive action and unilateralism in Iraq yet we are repeating the same policy towards space."
In part the new directive builds on the space policy of the Clinton administration. But some believe its new, hardline rhetoric will increase international suspicions that the US is seeking to develop and deploy weapons in space.
"The Clinton administration opened the door to developing space weapons but that administration never did anything about it. The Bush policy now goes further," Michael Krepon, of the Stimson Centre, told The Washington Post.
Mr Bush's attitude to space has always been more ambitious than that of his predecessor. In 2004 he outlined a vision to restart sending astronauts to the Moon, and even to Mars. In the same year the US Air Force published a highly controversial plan for establishing weapons in space, amid speculation that advanced lasers, spacecraft and space-based weapons firing 100kg tungsten bolts were being developed. And earlier this year it was revealed that the Pentagon was seeking hundreds of millions of dollars from Congress to test and develop space weapons.
In those portions of the new policy document that have been made public, there is no specific mention of the weaponisation of space. It says the US's priorities are to "strengthen the nation's space leadership" and to enable "unhindered US operations in and through space to defend our interests there". But the policy also claims that national security is "critically" dependent upon space capabilities. As a result it calls on the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and the Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, to "develop and deploy space capabilities that sustain US advantage and support defence and intelligence transformations".
In recent years some nations have called for talks to ban the deployment of weapons in space. Currently the deployment of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction are prohibited by the 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty.
When proposals to ban the weaponisation of space have been put forward at the UN, the United States has routinely abstained. But last October the US voted against a UN resolution calling for the banning of weapons in space.
Likewise, the US has repeatedly resisted efforts to hold negotiations on the issue of banning the placement in weapons by the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament.
Wade Boese of the Arms Control Association said the language in the new policy was "much more hard line" than any that previously existed.
He added: "We believe that this allergy to treaties is counter-productive. The US has the most to lose if there is an arms race in outer space in the long run. If the US [puts weapons in space], other countries will respond in some way."
A spokesman for the White House's National Security Council said in a statement that the policy was needed to "reflect the fact that space has become an even more important component of US economic, national and homeland security".
The final frontier
President Bush announced his Vision for Space Exploration in January 2004, calling for humans to return to the Moon by the end of the next decade. The first wave of robotic probes is the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, due to launch in 2008. As well as seeking landing sites, it will search for water ice and other resources. The initiative is supported by 68 per cent of Americans, according to opinion polls.
Under President Bush's 2004 vision, Moon exploration would pave the way for human space travel to Mars and beyond. The Mars reconnaissance Rover arrived on the Red Planet on 10 March 2006, equipped with the most powerful telescope ever taken to another planet.
Star Wars
The Clinton administration in 1999 revived Ronald Reagan's "star wars" space-based anti-missile shield as the Pentagon pushed for a more aggressive military posture in space amid warnings that North Korea, Iran and Iraq could obtain nuclear weapons. The programme became known as "son of star wars". Space weapons could include lasers that can shut down rival satellites and "killer" satellites that could ram others.
The new Bush policy calls for space-based capabilities to support missile-warning systems, and "multi-layered and integrated missile defences" that could lay the groundwork for the militarisation of space.
Space: America's new war zone
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 19 October 2006
The Independent
The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the United States' extraterrestrial activities and warning that it will oppose any nations that try to get in its way.
A new policy recently signed by President George Bush, asserts that his country has the right to conduct whatever research, development and "other activities" in space that it deems necessary for its own national interests.
The new policy further warns that the US will take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities "and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile" to those interests. The document adds: "Space activities have improved life in the United States and around the world, enhancing security, protecting lives and the environment, speeding information flow serving as an engine for economic growth and revolutionising the way people view their world and the cosmos."
"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power."
In some respects the policy represents the space equivalent of the "Bush Doctrine" national security policy initially outlined by Mr Bush in a speech at West Point military academy in June 2002. At that event - and later more formally codified - Mr Bush said the new US policy would place more emphasis on military pre-emption and unilateral actions.
Some experts believe the space directive, discreetly published more than a week ago and barely noticed outside specialist circles, puts the US on a new and dangerous course given that it transports "Bush Doctrine" policy to a new arena and rejects any efforts to limit US behaviour.
"I think that saying we will not have any limits on our actions is quite dangerous," said Theresa Hitchens, director of the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information.
"It claims no one can prohibit our rights but it also denies rights to [others].
"You would think that we would have learnt our lessons about the danger of military pre-emptive action and unilateralism in Iraq yet we are repeating the same policy towards space."
In part the new directive builds on the space policy of the Clinton administration. But some believe its new, hardline rhetoric will increase international suspicions that the US is seeking to develop and deploy weapons in space.
"The Clinton administration opened the door to developing space weapons but that administration never did anything about it. The Bush policy now goes further," Michael Krepon, of the Stimson Centre, told The Washington Post.
Mr Bush's attitude to space has always been more ambitious than that of his predecessor. In 2004 he outlined a vision to restart sending astronauts to the Moon, and even to Mars. In the same year the US Air Force published a highly controversial plan for establishing weapons in space, amid speculation that advanced lasers, spacecraft and space-based weapons firing 100kg tungsten bolts were being developed. And earlier this year it was revealed that the Pentagon was seeking hundreds of millions of dollars from Congress to test and develop space weapons.
In those portions of the new policy document that have been made public, there is no specific mention of the weaponisation of space. It says the US's priorities are to "strengthen the nation's space leadership" and to enable "unhindered US operations in and through space to defend our interests there". But the policy also claims that national security is "critically" dependent upon space capabilities. As a result it calls on the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and the Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, to "develop and deploy space capabilities that sustain US advantage and support defence and intelligence transformations".
In recent years some nations have called for talks to ban the deployment of weapons in space. Currently the deployment of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction are prohibited by the 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty.
When proposals to ban the weaponisation of space have been put forward at the UN, the United States has routinely abstained. But last October the US voted against a UN resolution calling for the banning of weapons in space.
Likewise, the US has repeatedly resisted efforts to hold negotiations on the issue of banning the placement in weapons by the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament.
Wade Boese of the Arms Control Association said the language in the new policy was "much more hard line" than any that previously existed.
He added: "We believe that this allergy to treaties is counter-productive. The US has the most to lose if there is an arms race in outer space in the long run. If the US [puts weapons in space], other countries will respond in some way."
A spokesman for the White House's National Security Council said in a statement that the policy was needed to "reflect the fact that space has become an even more important component of US economic, national and homeland security".
The final frontier
President Bush announced his Vision for Space Exploration in January 2004, calling for humans to return to the Moon by the end of the next decade. The first wave of robotic probes is the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, due to launch in 2008. As well as seeking landing sites, it will search for water ice and other resources. The initiative is supported by 68 per cent of Americans, according to opinion polls.
Under President Bush's 2004 vision, Moon exploration would pave the way for human space travel to Mars and beyond. The Mars reconnaissance Rover arrived on the Red Planet on 10 March 2006, equipped with the most powerful telescope ever taken to another planet.
Star Wars
The Clinton administration in 1999 revived Ronald Reagan's "star wars" space-based anti-missile shield as the Pentagon pushed for a more aggressive military posture in space amid warnings that North Korea, Iran and Iraq could obtain nuclear weapons. The programme became known as "son of star wars". Space weapons could include lasers that can shut down rival satellites and "killer" satellites that could ram others.
The new Bush policy calls for space-based capabilities to support missile-warning systems, and "multi-layered and integrated missile defences" that could lay the groundwork for the militarisation of space.
The Bush administration has staked an aggressive new claim to dominate space - rejecting any new treaties that seek to limit the United States' extraterrestrial activities and warning that it will oppose any nations that try to get in its way.
A new policy recently signed by President George Bush, asserts that his country has the right to conduct whatever research, development and "other activities" in space that it deems necessary for its own national interests.
The new policy further warns that the US will take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities "and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile" to those interests. The document adds: "Space activities have improved life in the United States and around the world, enhancing security, protecting lives and the environment, speeding information flow serving as an engine for economic growth and revolutionising the way people view their world and the cosmos."
"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power."
In some respects the policy represents the space equivalent of the "Bush Doctrine" national security policy initially outlined by Mr Bush in a speech at West Point military academy in June 2002. At that event - and later more formally codified - Mr Bush said the new US policy would place more emphasis on military pre-emption and unilateral actions.
Some experts believe the space directive, discreetly published more than a week ago and barely noticed outside specialist circles, puts the US on a new and dangerous course given that it transports "Bush Doctrine" policy to a new arena and rejects any efforts to limit US behaviour.
"I think that saying we will not have any limits on our actions is quite dangerous," said Theresa Hitchens, director of the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information.
"It claims no one can prohibit our rights but it also denies rights to [others].
"You would think that we would have learnt our lessons about the danger of military pre-emptive action and unilateralism in Iraq yet we are repeating the same policy towards space."
In part the new directive builds on the space policy of the Clinton administration. But some believe its new, hardline rhetoric will increase international suspicions that the US is seeking to develop and deploy weapons in space.
"The Clinton administration opened the door to developing space weapons but that administration never did anything about it. The Bush policy now goes further," Michael Krepon, of the Stimson Centre, told The Washington Post.
Mr Bush's attitude to space has always been more ambitious than that of his predecessor. In 2004 he outlined a vision to restart sending astronauts to the Moon, and even to Mars. In the same year the US Air Force published a highly controversial plan for establishing weapons in space, amid speculation that advanced lasers, spacecraft and space-based weapons firing 100kg tungsten bolts were being developed. And earlier this year it was revealed that the Pentagon was seeking hundreds of millions of dollars from Congress to test and develop space weapons.
In those portions of the new policy document that have been made public, there is no specific mention of the weaponisation of space. It says the US's priorities are to "strengthen the nation's space leadership" and to enable "unhindered US operations in and through space to defend our interests there". But the policy also claims that national security is "critically" dependent upon space capabilities. As a result it calls on the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and the Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, to "develop and deploy space capabilities that sustain US advantage and support defence and intelligence transformations".
In recent years some nations have called for talks to ban the deployment of weapons in space. Currently the deployment of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction are prohibited by the 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty.
When proposals to ban the weaponisation of space have been put forward at the UN, the United States has routinely abstained. But last October the US voted against a UN resolution calling for the banning of weapons in space.
Likewise, the US has repeatedly resisted efforts to hold negotiations on the issue of banning the placement in weapons by the Geneva-based Conference on Disarmament.
Wade Boese of the Arms Control Association said the language in the new policy was "much more hard line" than any that previously existed.
He added: "We believe that this allergy to treaties is counter-productive. The US has the most to lose if there is an arms race in outer space in the long run. If the US [puts weapons in space], other countries will respond in some way."
A spokesman for the White House's National Security Council said in a statement that the policy was needed to "reflect the fact that space has become an even more important component of US economic, national and homeland security".
The final frontier
President Bush announced his Vision for Space Exploration in January 2004, calling for humans to return to the Moon by the end of the next decade. The first wave of robotic probes is the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, due to launch in 2008. As well as seeking landing sites, it will search for water ice and other resources. The initiative is supported by 68 per cent of Americans, according to opinion polls.
Under President Bush's 2004 vision, Moon exploration would pave the way for human space travel to Mars and beyond. The Mars reconnaissance Rover arrived on the Red Planet on 10 March 2006, equipped with the most powerful telescope ever taken to another planet.
Star Wars
The Clinton administration in 1999 revived Ronald Reagan's "star wars" space-based anti-missile shield as the Pentagon pushed for a more aggressive military posture in space amid warnings that North Korea, Iran and Iraq could obtain nuclear weapons. The programme became known as "son of star wars". Space weapons could include lasers that can shut down rival satellites and "killer" satellites that could ram others.
The new Bush policy calls for space-based capabilities to support missile-warning systems, and "multi-layered and integrated missile defences" that could lay the groundwork for the militarisation of space.
viernes, octubre 20, 2006
jueves, octubre 19, 2006
Es dificil ser un nene jajajajajajaja
Mi Geral hizo un post de lo dificil de ser nena .. pero la existencia de uno tambien es dificil, por ejemplo es dificil : conquistar a una chiquita ( chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalessss) , es dificl vestirse ( hay que saber que chingados te vas a poner... si la playera de "SOY NACO Y QUE?" con unos jeans que no he lavado o la playera de "ESTOY PARADO JUNTO A UN PENDEJO" con los mismos jeansss), es dificil decidir que chupar ( pues es que es un dilema RON significa CRUDA AL DIA SIGUIENTE, Wisky SIGNIFICA DESVELADA ... o la mas extrema CHUPAR TODO LO QUE ENCUENTRES !!...) , atinarle a los hielitos del mijitorio del bar cuando estas pedisisisimo jajajajajajjaa es una tecnica muy dificil malavarear con aquello y la cuba pa que no se caiga sobre el pispirrincillo jajjajajajajajajaja, ES DIFICL LA DECISION : USAR O NO USAR ENMASCARADO DE LATEX??? PUES SEGUNLAS RUBER REGLAS ES MEJOR USARLO CREANMEE !!! y creo que lo mas dificil del universo : ENTENDER A UNA MUJER !!! DIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 JAJAJAJAJAJAJ pero aun asi SON FACINANTES LAS AMO!!!
martes, octubre 17, 2006
Rincon de la literatura basura de Ruber

En estos dias he estado pensando, vaya que es un pinche milgro que yo piense!! , en un fragmento de mi invencion acerca de la depresion y pues creo que la encontre y aqui esta:
Se que corren por mis mejillas
no se por que
Se que pintan mi cielo
aun no se por que
Diluidas en viento de nadie
pero por que?
no lo se
Quiza es por el miedo
pero aun me acobijo en el pequeño abrazo de mi sol.
viernes, octubre 13, 2006
Aqui en su bonita seccion la Rola de Dia se adelanto por que encontre entre mi cajon de mis calozonsillos mi disco de Tracy Chapman PENSE QUE HABIA MUERTO PERO AHI ESTUVO SIEMPRE JUNTO A MI CAJA DE CONDONES JAJAJA QUE SON DEL AÑO 1999 JAJAJAJAJAJ presiento que ya no los use!!! jajajaj
Todo el disco es muy bueno , Fast car , Baby can i hold you tonight , Smoke ashes etc,etc ... pero hay una que esta de NO MAMES .. SE LA DEDIQUE A UNA DE MIS SEÑORAS DE MONTY , pero aun asi la escucho y me hace reflexionar muchas cosas
For you
by Tracy Chapman
There're no words to say
No words to convey
This feeling inside I have for you
Deep in my heart
Save from the guards
Of intellect and reason
Leaving me at a loss
For words to express my feelings
Deep in my heart
Look at me losing control
Thinking I had a hold
But with feelings this strong
I'm no longer the master
Of my emotions
martes, octubre 10, 2006
Desde las imediaciones de mi nuevo empleo !
En estos dias me he dedicado a hacer reconocimeintos de la comida que hay por los lugares cercanos a mi nuevo empleo ... encontre algo hermoso , los denominare " Los tacos arrieros 2" estan de no mames !!! estan en la esquina de Londres y Liverpool , los tacos mas chingones y bien serviditos que he comido !!!! ... les gana a los originales "Los tacos arrieros" de la Fac de Quimica ....
Si saben de algun otro lugar chingon pa comer cerca de insurgentes y londres pues diganme!!! y este rubermania reportara las experiencias gastronomicas !!!! eso si !!! si me enfermo de la panza de pulquero que tengo ES SU CULPA EHH!!!
sábado, octubre 07, 2006
fuck !!!!!
Chales... hace rato he estado ingiriendo Vodka, pero no manches creo que mi cuerpesillo ya lo empieza a rechazar .. por que agarro unas pin.. crudas del demonio!!!!! HASTA A LA VIRGENCITA DE GUADA LE HE JURADO EN SECRETO QUE NO CHUPARE!!!
Pero conociendome bien , NI TODOS LOS SERES CELESTIALES , me quitaran el delite de la cebada, del agave azul , la uva , la cañita de azucar y la hermosa malta!!!! que dejan en la boca sus sabores y pestilencias y las idioteces que uno hace en pos del desmadre !!!! eso si : NO SE ATREVAN A COMBINAR !!! ESO ES LO PESIMO DEL ASUNTO !!!!!!!!!
Me acuerdo que cuando era un hermoso y bello joven LAS CRUDAS NO ME HACIAN NI LAS COSQUILLAS.... pero ahora que soy horroroso y feo pues ya no aguanto tanto , eso me hace postular la siguente teoria:
el nivel de cruda es inversamente proporcional a la juventud !!!
jueves, octubre 05, 2006
A que caray...!!!
Pues como siempre su puzilanime amigo el Monty se enamora de la chik equivicada !!!.. llega a sucederme casi todo el tiempo pero la neta .. ya ni se que hacer ... por eso para estas ocaciones aplico esta frase que es de mi invencion: " Un solenme requiem por un sueño roto por favor!!!"
Asi es la vida amorosa del Monty : una basura!!!
Asi es la vida amorosa del Monty : una basura!!!
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La sociedad ...
Uno no deberia tener hijos bajo presion , pero esto es la directiva de toda la sociedad mexicana (voy a ponerlo de esta forma ) tradicional....
Como muchos saben.. dentro de la familia de Mocosoft hay una aplicacion que lleva organizadito todos nuestros correos, compromisos, calendar...
Hace como unos 60 años... el mundo se habia casi destruido debido a una de las mas grandes guerras de la historia de la Humanidad...la cual ...